Friends of Wormholt Park

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2019-20 AGM, Annual report and update

On Sunday 19 May 2020 the Friends of Wormholt Park held their AGM by Zoom meeting. The existing committee were voted back into the same posts, except for Anne who stood down from being our secretary for the last few years - thank you Anne for your valued support and to the rest of the committee too for all your hard work. Anyone wanting to take up the Secretary position would be great (please email - we can manage with other members taking turns, but really we do need a Secretary - in 'normal' times less than a couple of hours input a month.

We are also looking for more help with our communications in general including regular posts and photos on social media. If you visit the park often and like taking photos (on your phone is fine) - then we'd love to hear from you!

We had a terrific 2019 with lots of events and park improvements for our local community to enjoy (see the Annual Report tab for full report) and hope our local community is coping with the strange situation in 2020 - maintaining their well-being (and social distance!) while taking time out in the park.

In other news, the council is putting together a report on parks. You can give the council feedback on your views of H&F parks via this link How can we improve parks and open spaces in Hammersmith & Fulham? by Sunday 7 June

We have also put up a notice asking H&F for further information regarding the proposed pruning of the huge Black poplar tree. While we accept trees must be maintained to keep the general public safe from falling limbs/trees, we require full justification for why this beloved, extremely valuable (both historically and biologically: biodiversity and carbon sequestration) and rare tree needs radical pruning which could be catastrophic to its longer term health.

We hope to be able to resume activities such as nature, bird and bat walks when the lockdown eases and will look for funding to continue with park improvements when we can. In the meantime, enjoy the park and hope you, your friends and families stay safe and well

Friends of Wormholt Park Committee

Vanessa Hampton Chair

Derrick Wright Vice Chair

Mark Addis Treasurer

Committee members: Sarah Woodside, Nicola Easton, Hannah Strickland.