Friends of Wormholt Park

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AGM and Spring Event

Spring event 1

Spring event kit

On a very windy Saturday, 27 April, the Friends of Wormholt Park held their AGM and spring planting and wildlife exploration event.We voted our current committee back in (Vanessa - Chair; Derrick - Vice Chair; Mark - Treasurer; Anne - Secretary; and Sarah - wildlife committee member) are delighted to also have 3 new committee members join us: Jen, Sarah and Nicola.  Welcome!

We also planted out 20 sensory herb plants - Vanessa introduced us to the smell and some tasting of the plants and we found out some interesting facts on herbal remedies. Sage is good for sore throats and chew a bit of Rosemary to help you concentrate! We have lots of exciting plans for 2019 and will continue spending our £5,000 grant from the Mayor's Greener Community Fund.  The new wildflower meadow is being sown and mini wildlife exploration activities will pop up throughout the summer - including a bat walk, bird walk and more bug hunting.  Dates to be announced soon.We will hold a celebratory Wormholt Park Summer Fete on Saturday 7 September.  This will be a time for our local community to come together and enjoy the park, with fun activities including sensory and tree trail, bug hunting, petting animals, bouncy castle, tea stalls, bake off competition, music and dog show - definitely something for everyone!  Put the date in your diary.  Anyone who would be interested in volunteering at this event, such as manning a stall or stewarding would be great - email if interested. There will also be another big planting event towards the end of October and we are supporting the Wormholt Residents Association in the campaign to get more swings installed in the playgrounds - so a busy year ahead!We would like to thank you all for your support and continued interest in the park  and we do hope to see you at our events.

Here's some useful contact info:

Facebook: Wormholt Park
Twitter: @wormholtpark
Chair, Vanessa Hampton AGM MINUTES 27 APRIL 19Annual report 2018-19